My Candle Story...
Candles have been a long time enjoyment throughout my life. They have been used to set the ambiance in times of joyfulness and fun, times of sadness-as a comfort, and times of lighting my space, for the somber warmth of softness, as I sat and enjoyed coffee in the early morning while listening or reading God's beautiful word. Years ago candlelight even aided in the lighting and the heating of my home when times were tough!
I started hand pouring candle at the age of 12. I really enjoyed creating candles of all colors and sizes. It was so fun experimenting and sharing them with friends and family.
Now, many years later, my candle techniques have changed, grown, and improved to a different level of using organic beeswax or soy wax and all natural/organic high quality essential oils. Candle light is steadfast. It's flame, while stunning in sight, exhibits a flame that needs to be controlled and respected by all who burn them. It will light up the darkness no matter where it is utilized and it has the capability to change the atmosphere of any situation!
Ahuva unites my experience and my hearts desire to bring to you quality natural and organic products that will enhance your life and the moments you hold so dear!
Enjoy. Make Memories. Know you are so very appreciated!
From My Heart to Yours, Sally